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  • Writer's pictureVERITAS

It All Started With A Big Bang ... Or Was It "Let There Be" ... ??

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

So, as a warm up for this section, because it can get really deep really fast, let me start with what my view on creation is. I have a biblical world view, so therefore I have a biblical view on creation. I believe what the Bible says in Genesis regarding creation word for word. I believe it is a true historical account of the events of creation.

This means I do not accept the theory of evolution. This means I do not believe in the big bang. I believe God created the Heavens and the Earth in 6 LITERAL 24 hour days and I believe He rested on the 7th day according to scripture.

This puts the age of the Earth somewhere around 6500ish years old, not billions and billions of years old as science would have us to believe. You will find that I take a stance that is very opposed to what science tells us regarding creation and our Earth. I have this stance because the Word of God is opposed to what science tells us in regard to creation and the earth. I took the scripture for what it says in Romans 3:4 when it tells us:

"Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar."

So, you see, I choose to believe what God says about His own creation over what man tells us about it. We also have this warning in 1 Timothy 6:19 that tells us:

"Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life. O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of SCIENCE falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen."

This tells me that we should be cautious of what "science" has to say when it contradicts God's Word. It says very plainly that even some who profess Christ have erred concerning the faith because of the vain babblings of science. Why then, do we as believers, continue to trust and believe in a scientific model that is clearly opposed to what the Bible teaches? True science will confirm the truth of the Bible. True science is TESTABLE, OBSERVABLE, and REPEATABLE. However, much of what we have today that falls under science is actually pseudo science that is "proven" using theories and equations. That is not science. Numbers can be manipulated to get the desired outcome. Truth cannot.

It is with these thoughts that I will begin this section. There is a lot of information to cover regarding Biblical Creation & Cosmology and it requires us to stretch our faith because of how radically different the truth is from what we've been taught all of our lives. But God thought it was important enough to include at the very beginning of the Bible and He sprinkled all throughout, so I think it is critical that we examine just exactly what is truth and what is deception regarding creation and our cosmos. Hang in there, this ride could get bumpy!

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