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The Satanic Industry ... I Mean Entertainment Industry.

Where to even start when considering the entertainment industry? There are so many topics and areas to get lost in. I will try to keep the introduction to this section as short as I can by saving all the details for future posts. Let's just say that it is terrifying when the veil is lifted and we take a peek at what is actually behind the entertainment industry.

The entertainment industry encompasses movies, music, TV shows, books, and even video games. I'm not trying to state that everything single thing that is secular is of the devil, but I am here to state that a MAJORITY of it is. Some of it is in our faces and anyone claiming to be a follower of Christ knows to avoid it. Then there is that which is cleverly disguised and infiltrates even Christian's lives. I'm here to talk about all of the above.

I want to go even further though than just revealing what MOST of today's entertainment stands for. My goal is to go behind the veil and reveal those that pull the strings and orchestrate what we call entertainment. I want to reveal what we are allowing ourselves to be entertained by unaware.

It all ultimately comes back to Satan as the master mind who is making sure everything in his domain goes according to his plan, but he isn't alone. There are those that do his bidding willingly. The Bible tells us that Satan/Lucifer is the God of this Earth. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, Satan has worked tirelessly to bring about the corruption of humanity and there is no better weapon that he wields than that of the entertainment industry.

Hang in there as we explore the dark side of what is presented to us with so much glitz and glam. This section will deal with heavy subject matter. This is NOT an attempt to glorify Satan in any way, but it IS an attempt to reveal that he is an enemy that needs to be taken seriously. We have to know the enemy in order to combat the enemy. That is exactly what the purpose of this section is for, revealing the enemy and giving the knowledge necessary to drive his tactics and weapons out of the lives of believers. Lots of good stuff to come.

God bless you and your family.

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1 Kommentar

24. März 2020

Good stuff to know for sure!

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