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Let's Talk About Sin ...

Updated: May 6, 2020

Where do we start? What does the Bible say about sin? What does culture say about sin? Which should we listen to? If you know anything about what I believe, you know I will go with the Bible over culture or what man has to say every single time. So lets explore both sides of this coin.

Culture and modern Christianity would have us believe we all sin every day. That we can't help it, we are human, so therefore we sin continually. They go on to say that Jesus has forgiven our sins already, past, present, and future. This is partially true. Jesus has done the work so that we can receive forgiveness of our sins IF we repent. He will forgive sins of the past, the sin you are in at the moment of repentance, and He will forgive any future sins that you MAY (not definitely will) commit. The catch is we have to REPENT of those sins. Jesus' sacrifice wasn't a blanket covering that allows us to sin continually and STAY forgiven no matter what. Too many times people use the blood of Christ like a door mat to wipe their dirty feet on every single day and that isn't what was intended. Allow me to elaborate.

In modern Christian culture we hear "their sin is no worse than mine." Again, we have a partially true statement. Sin is sin, period. ALL sin will separate us from Christ. However, the above statement indicates that the person speaking has sin in their life. What is scary is that you hear that from pulpits all across America far too often. There shouldn't be sin in your life and be preaching the Word at the same time.

This is further reinforced by modern christian music with lyrics like, "I've been a sinner, I've been a saint. A little bit of both every single day." Personally, these lyrics and those like them, make me sick to my stomach. First of all it is an oxymoron. It is not possible to be both a sinner and a saint. Lets go to the Word for some support regarding this matter.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NKJV)

If this scripture is true, and it is, if you WERE a sinner before coming to Jesus, then you cannot be a sinner after. The old passes away and the new comes. If the new is still repetitive sin, I question if the old ever truly passed away, and so should you.

"Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath NOT seen him, NEITHER known him." 1st John 3:6 (KJV)

The above passage is very blunt and shouldn't really need any explanation. If we abide in Christ, we won't sin. If we continue to sin, the Word tells us we didn't get a genuine experience. This isn't to say if you fall into sin that you never got saved. I believe the danger is when we continually sin and live in that sin while still saying everything is ok with our souls. If you are born again, and have a relationship with Jesus, IF you sin, you will immediately repent of that sin. Repentance is turning away from the thing you are repenting of and NOT returning to it over and over again.

"JESUS answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin IS the servant of sin." Join 8:34 (KJV)

We can't serve sin and Jesus at the same time. So to say you are both sinner and saint everyday is a BIG indication that something is deeply wrong spiritually and you need to evaluate your life and seek God.

If it were not possible to live your life, after salvation, free from sin Jesus would have never given the instruction to do so.

"She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”" John 8:11 (NKJV)

How cruel the Savior would have been to give instruction that He knew she could never follow because she was human. However, he gave her the instruction so it WAS possible. Once we come to the saving grace of Jesus our lives should be so radically changed that sin is an absurd thought and not thought of as something we "have to live with" because we're human. If there are instances of sin, then it should bring such deep conviction that we immediately fall upon our face and seek forgiveness. Repent, and turn from that sin.

To live a life of sin thinking you are still on your way to Heaven is a very dangerous way to live. If we die without repenting from sin, Hell will be our home. There is no "nice" way to say that. Jesus spoke more about Hell than than anyone else in scripture. He was adamant that He didn't want ANYONE to perish and go there, but He was also just as adamant that without knowing Him and living your life according to His commandments you WOULD go there.

“If you love Me, keep My commandments." John 14:15 (NKJV)

With one of His commandments being "Go, and sin no more.", the last thing I would want to do is live a life of sin while claiming to love Jesus.

God bless you and your family!

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2 comentarios

13 abr 2020

Completely agree Randy. I used to live a life of repetitive sin and you are right. When you truly surrender ALL to Christ, giving Him control of your heart, body, and mind...He will equip you to live a life without sin! Your desires and thoughts change, and yes, when we are tempted (because we are) it becomes easier to resist that temptation. If we fall into sin, we should be quick to repent and allow God to restore and renew our mind.

Thank you for speaking truth!

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04 abr 2020

Thank you for sharing truth Randy. I can tell where your heart lies and I’m so proud of you. I 100% agree with this post!!

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