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  • Writer's pictureVERITAS

New Age Church...

What is wrong with the church? If we ever need DISCERNMENT ... we NEED it RIGHT NOW. The church, and I use that term to describe organized Christianity as a whole ... not individual churches, has lost its way. It is painful to say that, but the truth usually is painful.

When we have major prominent churches endorsing and spewing forth new age theologies we have a big problem. When a major, VERY prominent church that everyone knows is lovingly referred to as "Hogwarts for Christians" we have a problem. It is referred to in that manner because they offer classes that TEACH people how to heal, how to speak in tongues, how to prophesy, and how to even raise the dead. Its referred to as "Hogwarts for Christians" because you will find many of the same SPELL COMPONENTS required for witchcraft in the church "gift shop"... Angel Boards (Ouija boards) that allow you to communicate with your personal angel so they can help guide you on your path, Healing and Protection Crystals, and even Christian Tarot cards ... to get a glimpse of your spiritual destiny. I WISH I was making this up, but I'm not.

Also, apparently the Holy Spirit now manifests mystical crystals out of thin air while certain "leaders" in this church pray in their prayer closets. However, the heresy doesn't end here. Oh no, it continues and grows to a point of ridiculousness that you have to ask yourself, "HOW does this organization continue to receive support from church leaders who claim to be full of the Holy Spirit and have discernment.

When people laughing uncontrollably to a point of hysterics that can only be described as a "fit" or a seizure, people flipping themselves out of their chairs and flopping on the floor like mad men and women, people barking like dogs and mooing like cows, women falling into men and men falling into women, some face first, and all out disorder is described as a "mighty move of God" ... we have a serious problem within the church, because we have lost the discernment of spirits.

Everyone of the bold terms above are also manifested in the Hindu religion as they worship the Kundilini "Serpent" Spirit that is believed to rest at the base of the spine in every living person. As this spirit makes it's way up the spinal column of the person, these manifestations take place to reveal that they are nearing "enlightenment" and opening their "third eye" according to the Hindu beliefs.

Do we see a problem here?

Also, the terms in bold were put in bold for a second reason. I wanted to make it easy to compare and contrast them with the following terms. Let's look at the fruits of the Spirit. They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. How do any of the fore mentioned "manifestations" taking place in these modern "moves of God" even remotely resemble the fruits of the Spirit...especially SELF CONTROL? They certainly resemble the fruits of A spirit, but not the Holy Spirit.

So I think that we need to be on our faces seeking discernment now more that we ever have in our lives. We need to test the spirit and see if it be of God. We were warned in scripture about a falling away from the truth and following teachings and doctrines of devils? Let us not be deceived by everything that attempts to have a form of godliness. Seek, pray, ask for discernment. We are quickly approaching a time that we will need every ounce of knowledge we can get in order not to fall into deception from the enemy.

God bless you and your family!

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Jul 10, 2020

This is so true and yes we need to have our eyes opened.

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